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Introduction Page


Hello -

My (Remaining a - “Incognito Blogger”) name is - Mary Not Me…

However - In case of the need for ID confirmation - my date of birth was 07/27/1957


I’m both

The Author & Photographer of the following Blogsite entries

Which are being based on “Different Events”, “Cherished Times”, & also

Certain “Lessons in Life”

That I’ve experienced along the way

Including - of course - lessons that - our 4-legged family-members have taught me;

& which are going to be posted in the "Dog's Life" section of this blog...

With (of course) a few cat-tales & feathered-friends advice, etc...

Periodically sneaking in on the dog's adventures; & with their own stories & opinions...

Concerning - "What Life is All About" - from their "Dictatorial-perspective"


However - & More Important than any of those categorized entries -

Will be the opportunity I have been given here on this blog…

To be able to share with others…

The -

"Spiritual-based Moments”

Which have been


Unfolding; while also becoming more frequent with each passing day.

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As it was (& I know, will continue to “Always be”) those -

“Miraculous moments”

And of course, the -

“Purely-Divine & Heavenly-Powered Loving-Energy”

In which my -

“Spiritual Boss Upstairs”

Continuously Refuels me with.

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Especially during - Each and Every time that -


Are Once Again

“Spiritually Touching”

Both my heart & soul; and also those whom I’m speaking with about this topic;

In Such a

“Lovingly-structured Powerful-way”

That I Suddenly find myself; & whomever I’m conversing with…

Becoming - Spiritually Aura-Blanketed

From our heads to our toes

With the "Overwhelming Feeling" of these -

“Piously Tingling Goosebumps of Loving-comfort”


& of Which - are suddenly resulting in - The "Indescribable" Feeling of -

A mere "Mortal's" shell - That is "Somehow" being Both -

"Inwardly Touched & Outwardly Blanketed"



of -



“IT” - "Our Creator" - "Who Is" - Obviously a "Loving God"

Suddenly Begins to let us know that -


Are in Fact - Right There with us - while we continue to -

Converse about -




Glorious Love for - “All” of us; no matter whom we are, or what roads we've traveled



Of Course anyone who has been, or will be in the days to still come, be

Experiencing those -

“Tingling Goose-bumps Suddenly Blanketing Their Entire Body”

While I’m discussing my Spiritual Experiences with them…

Will be Fully Aware of - & Without my having to stop & explain to them -

The Fact that we’re each - currently being -

“Spiritually-touched & Inwardly-Fueled”

by that of a -

“Powerfully Loving Spiritual-based Energy”

& of which - Both myself & the person whom I’m speaking with -

Will Instantaneously know without a shadow of doubt -

Is that of a -

“Miraculous Aura-Feeling” -

That could "ONLY EVER BE" made Possible through…

The -

Presence & Spiritual-touch

of -


& Hence By - & Through -



Being placed upon… while also into… any mortal’s shell

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& of course - if you - like I - Have ever experienced the feeling of -



Touching both your outer shell & inner soul

In accompaniment with those spiritually-tingling goosebumps blanketing you

Then You (Like I & Many Others) will Know that - it is those -

“Miraculous Instances & Scenarios that occur in our lifetime”

Which will become - the moments that’ll always be cherished & remembered…

As being the -

Most Important Scenarios & Events

To have EVER unfolded during One’s Entire Existence -

Right From the moment in which we enter into this world; of unknown ventures


Now… I would like to mention here that -

Of course - One of -

The Most Important Lessons - that I’ve been taught…

During over 50 years of my personal experience(s) with -

“Our Creator”

& While - Once Again… Being Lovingly -

“Spiritually Touched”

Multiple Times by -


& Especially During Troublesome & Difficult scenarios; in my Mortal lifetime


Is the Fact - That -


Will "ALWAYS" - Be There for Me (and of course for You as well)

While once again providing me (us) - with the Required “Inner-strength”

To be Able to "Head" (if I can't yet "Fly" at the moment) Right Into -

& then (of course) Properly Handle & Deal with -

Whatever Strenuous Battles are Currently Before me (us)

As our -

"Loving Creator"

Is Continuously Enabling me (& anyone else)

To mercifully “Hand Over” to -


 “ALL” -

of those Negative Burdens - from both this present day -

& also from any of the past tense scenarios in my (our) life…

of Which I (we) Obviously don’t want to have to continue –

To Either -

Feel the "Weight of"… "Dwell on"… Nor Even Have to ever "Think of" again!


& Especially during time-periods when a person is continually being -

“Guilt Burdened” - by certain individuals whom they "Have to" associate with,

On a ongoing basis, at places such as - either home or work...

As it is really easy to feel tired, and worn out, by associating with those -

Who can’t seem to ever, be capable of -

"Fully" Letting go of - the weights and burdens of certain Negativity…

Simply Due to Their Mortal-lack of - having a "True-Faith"... in -

There Actually Being a -

"Loving God"

"That any one of us mortals - can in Fact - Hand "Everything" Over to"

& Which is what - then enables so many of us to -

"Truly Forgive"

Another Person...

In the same way in which -

"Our Loving Creator"

Is ongoingly Forgiving us

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In other Words -


And the -

“Loving Spiritual Energy”

In which -


Bestows upon those of us - that simply have dwelling in us -

a Mustard-seed size of - “True Faith” -

In our knowing - That we can ongoingly - Simply ask for -


To be with - & to once again forgive us…

Along with those tingling Goosebumps that’re suddenly blanketing a person

Whenever they’re being -




Is What ongoingly enables me (& anyone else) to “Once Again” …

Be Capable of - “Holding-on” Strongly

To the dangling end of any type of a - “Tension-rope” or "Feeding-Event"...

Whenever "Another one" of those "Chilly" & or "Stormy-moments" in my life -

Is Suddenly Suspending & Swinging me (us) from it

As my continuously maintaining a -


& my Ongoingly knowing (for a FACT) that there is a -

“Mighty & Truly LOVING Spiritual Power”

Which is Always - Continuously - Watching Over “ALL” of us Mere Mortals


While also...

Always Having -


Continually Reminding me - That it is Due to -



That - Henceforth -

 “No Mortal” - Shall “Ever Be Alone” - During any Trice or Tribulation in their life;

No matter what is happening; during any current moment of it.


That I therefore - Continually - Thank -


For always being there with me, during my “Roller-coaster Structured” Mortal-Journey.

Along with a big "Amen" - to the fact that I am miraculously able,

To suddenly open a whole new door

(& hence a Completely “Different Chapter”)

In my Reborn life Today... with others out there - via this blog site…

& of Which is hereby enabling me to share my Previous “Spiritual Journeys”

Along with whatever the future - miraculously holds in store for me

With others whom I would otherwise never be able to converse my experiences with


& - Now of course - As we’ve perhaps (more than likely) never met…

Please allow me to give you a brief outline here… in this “Intro-chapter”

Of the -

“Life-Experience Journey” -

of which I have been on -

“So Far” …

With my -

“Spiritual Boss Upstairs”

Always Supporting & Comforting - While also Guiding me -

Through Every Moment of it...

& in the process - Causing me to "Always" be focusing upwards - Towards


Rather than - on or towards - whatever is currently occurring around me

& so - First off - You should know that -

I'd been in an accident...

When I was close to a year old...

& which had caused me to immediately black-out... & lose consciousness...

From the sudden impact; after a sibling had dropped me

& of which I know the exact date of...

Because it was recorded in my Grandmother's diary; shown in the photo below...

& Which also explains how - I had remained completely unconscious...

For quite awhile following that drop; & was rushed by ambulance to the hosp emerge

& Unfortunately - Following that accident - I grew up with -

Petit mal epilepsy, that had been caused by damage to the front temporal lobes...

& unfortunately, because the seizure causing damaged area of my brain,

Was located directly beside my speech & recent memory bank. That meant - that -

The seizures which I had, were like recent-memory erasers; being taken to my brain.


& Which explains why - The stronger the seizure, or the higher their frequency - then -

The stronger the memory-eraser would be -

That was suddenly being taken to my brain…

With & during every one of those Seizures…

& hence -

The More Recent-Memories… of my daily life… would be taken from me…

Every time I had another one


For example - I would frequently have Seizure-erased from me -

Whatever I’d just “Recently Experienced”, or perhaps “Learnt”, each day;

Including school lessons, personal life celebrations, or special & cherished events.

And hence - all of which explains why…

I was eventually classified by the public school system, as being -

a low IQ & completely unteachable individual…

That was just wasting the public-school systems valuable time… by my attending it…

& of which explains why - I eventually - completely dropped out of school -

4 years “Before” I had That First brain surgery -

As I had by then (at the age of 15) completely given up on…

Ever attempting to become -

As well educated as my classmates - would be capable of accomplishing

I'd undergone my first epileptic-based Neurological-surgery; over "45" years ago now;

When my seizure frequency had by then, reached over 40 per day

& Which was - Back during the time period, when the brain surgeries, and also

The neurological options of today, had unfortunately

Not “Yet” become available; for “Human-candidates”!

As it was currently, still

In the experimental Medical-lab Stages; when I was 18 years old.


And so - my seizure frequency following that first "Experimental-surgery"...

Had back then been lowered to - 1 full seizure every 2 days or so -

With really mild and short minimal-strength ones frequently happening between them.

& so - Although I still had activity-limitations, and frequent recent-memory erasing...

I still had so much to be grateful for - by my simply just - looking back at when -

My seizure-average prior to that 1st surgery... used to be over 1, every 15 minutes 


& all of which - explains why -

I’m unable to recall (with "Full Clarity") very much of my past;

In fact -

I can only fully-recall "Small Sections" of the events, that took place in my life;

Prior to when -

The SECOND epileptic brain surgery; was done;

When I was then - around 45 years old.

And during which operation - they had surgically-removed…

3 whole years off of my brains “Most Recent Memory” bank section…

in order to remove "ALL" of the Damaged Area... except for the root of it;

Along with a minimal sliver-sized section of my most recent-memory bank's section.

And they thereby permanently - surgically removed from me -

Absolutely every single memory-moment in my life -

That had occurred - From the date of the surgery - & going 3 years back from it

& then - Although all of the Left frontal-lobe damage had been removed...

During the second surgery... along with those 3 full years of recent-memory.

I had to still remain medicated for seizure control... following it

Due to scar tissues building up - on three different sections of where they'd operated.

with 1 being near the back, 1 near the frontal right, and the 3rd directly upon the root

However - as the seizure frequency was now only being caused by minimal scar tissue...

I was suddenly able -

Via a brand new seizure-controlling medication...

That'd just recently been taken out of the required "Testing stages";

So that it could now - become a medically-prescribed drug - for epilepsy

To fully prevent the seizures from ever reoccurring...

For the first time in my life... at around 46 years old


& of Which - had then given me the capability -

a full year following the second Brain surgery...

& because - my seizures were now being "Fully Controlled"...

To be capable of going out... "ALL ALONE"...

Whenever I wanted...

For the 1st time in my life!

And to then - get my drivers licence... which gave me even more freedom;

Unfortunately for my husband; as my shopping-time suddenly increased!


Although the fact that I was now (at that point in my life) suddenly able to be -

Fully Seizure Controlled...

And thereby - Be able to go Anywhere - Anytime I wanted - All by Myself...

& - I was even able to get a driver's licence!

While simply being medicated... for full seizure-control


& - I was therefore...

Already feeling - "Truly Grateful" to -

"Our Creator"

For ALL of those -

"Gratifyingly Drastic - Positive-changes" -

That had occurred during that recent time period in my life...

And I was Truly Believing - that my current New-life style -

Could in "No Way" be Improved


If we Now - Quickly jump ahead 10 years; or so -

"AFTER" the date of - The “Second” brain surgery -

When I was almost 54 years old

We are now - at yet - another major & basically an -

Even More Drastic - "Changing Point"

In my "Overall" - Life Journey!

& Especially in regards to my -


As it was - during that - “Wondrous Evolving” time period in my life...

at around the age of 54

That I had Suddenly now -


Become - BOTH - Medication & Seizure Free - for the first time in over half a century

As the Seizure-causing Scar tissue - had


Completely Disappeared


& of Which - Explains why -

It was During - That Really-drastic changing time-period in my life…

That I had originally…

Considered “Trying to Write”;

 While I was currently

Coming off of “All” my seizure medication.

& Although I’m obviously lacking the required education in this field;

Since I’ve never (& as I’d explained a moment ago) completed my schooling

Mind you - What had originally intrigued me to “Try” to write,

About my previous experiences…

Although I’m completely uneducated in this field…

Was not "Just" my deep desire to be able to “Somehow”

Share “My Whole Lifetime Journey” and

Especially my -

"Spiritual-based Experiences"

With others.


But Rather - the inward-inspiration to pursue the field of writing... was -

Simply because -

 I had often thought of - How nice it would be - if we were able to learn from -

The mistakes that “Other” people have made - in “Their” lifetime,

Rather than have to foolishly proceeded to make -

The Very “Same Mistakes” in our own.


As it was - that thought - “of this uneducated person trying to write”

Combined with me at the same time - ONCE AGAIN -

Mulling over the fact - that -

Although it is true -

That I am uneducated - in comparison to many others out there…

That - at the same time - if the saying –

“We Learn From our Mistakes”

Is in fact "True"…

Then that would mean that -

I should “Actually” be aloud to “Self-classify” - myself as being -

a person of a -

“Brilliant & Pure Genius - IQ Level”

Because Boy – OH BOY - I Have OBVIOUSLY - Made PLENTY of -

“Ooops” & “OH Nos” –

Along with an - Overabundance” of –

Oh “SH*&^%$#@!*T” - What Have I done NOW!!!!! -

 “Learning Mistakes”

In My Lifetime so far… and will likely continue (like a broken record) to do so


And so… Hence - That was the moment in which -

I suddenly decided - to overlook my uneducated in writing - & poor-grammar side…

& rather focus more so on -

My Repetitive –

Oh S*!T-&-D#@BLE^%$#!S#*T - "Foolish-actions" -

In accompaniment with - my "High Plentitude" of - "Bungled-Choices" -

Along with - my (Non-optionally taken) - Self-taught 1st Hand Experiences -

In Lifetime Correctional-Courses


As "All" of Those Bungling &^%$#@! Self-taught Experience-formats -

That have occurred so far in my life -

Along with me - more than likely - continually taking - more "Refresher-courses"

I Believe Fully Justifies - a Scholastically-Uneducated Person - Such as Myself -

To solemnly say that - They Obviously have Enough "Experienced-based Wisdom" -

For them to be able to share their *&^%$#@!” Lessons in Life - With others via a Blog

And so now you know why -

This Blog Site is being Structured & Based on…

Certain "Lesson" that I’ve Learnt in my Life

Through & Via some rather &^%$#@ Bungled experiences.


Along with - "Cherished Memories" - that I can fortunately still clearly recall; 

From my past life; prior to the second brain surgery.


As well as - "Newly Cherished" moments from this present time period & forward


In Accompaniment with the occasional Dog's Life Lessons (& the few cat-tales etc)


Along With - OF COURSE - All of the -

“Miraculously-Structured Spiritual-based Moments & Events”

That I Have been experiencing in my Life -

Both - Prior to the first brain surgery…

As well as into this -

“New - Seizure & Medication - Free Life”

That I’m currently living today; 

During this “Reborn” run at it…

& of Which I’ve been “Miraculously” given the opportunity to live -

And to also be able to Share with others; Via this Blog Site.

Solely through the

“Miraculous Love”

of my -

“Spiritual-Boss Upstairs”


Now of course,

I leave it up to each individual; who is going to be -

Hearing of my Spiritual Journeys, to decide for themselves, what they believe -


In Fact


 That has -


to me; multiple times in the past… and of course, still does today; on a regular basis


As deciding what -




Is Obviously - a Personal Choice.


And so -

I am therefore, not going to either - Tag nor Label - or one could say - "Categorize"

“My Loving Spiritual Guide” 

Into - Any singular religion or denomination; in any of my “Spiritual Journey” entries


As I am only going to share with others, what I have either -

Personally learnt or experienced, through each one of these -

Spiritual-encounters or Blessings; whenever


Have Occurred & Unfolded in my life.

I believe that I'm able to stop here; when it comes to my -

Explaining to you; basically - What this blog is based on;

or what I am going to be wanting to try to share with you; via it.


And so - Until we can Blog-chat again,


Take care of yourself... & Know that - You are -

Always being -

"Spiritually Watched Upon & Loved"


And of course…

I will pray that -


Will bless you, in your life

As much as -


Have "Obviously" Blessed me in mine


Signed your (In-cognito) Blog-friend

Mary Not Me

At -

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